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Selectmen's Minutes May 19, 1998
Selectmen’s Meeting of May 19, 1998

Present:  Charles Flynn, Judith Murdoch, Peter Jones, Daniel Webster, Cathy Kuchinski (late, 7:35)  Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary

Chairman called for reorganization of the Board.  Motion made by Murdoch to nominate Peter Jones, for Chairman, 2nd Webster.   Motion made by Murdoch to close nominations, 2nd by Webster.  4-0 vote.  Voted 4-0 to elect Peter Jones Chair.  

Motion made by Murdoch for Charles Flynn Vice Chairman.  2nd Webster.  Motion by Murdoch to close nominations, 2nd Webster.  5-0.  Voted Charles Flynn Vice Chairman, 5-0.

Board acknowledged County Commissioners, Joseph McDonough and Peter Asiaf.  Commissioner McDonough discussed the County’s intent to spend thirty-five thousand dollars on a master plan which would include the High Street property as well as the Obery Street, Plymouth, Plymouth County Sheriff’s facility.  He further mentioned that percolation tests and septic engineering were going to start on the residential houses on High Street through their engineering department although he did not commit to a time frame.  Mr. Webster asked if part of the master plan was going to include examination for existing asbestos, oil tanks, 21E testing and examination of long term dump sites on the property.  Commissioner McDonough indicated that it was his understanding that most waste had been burned up in an incinerator which was operating on the County property for many, many years.  Ms. Kuchinski asked if they were out to bid to remove the oil tanks.  Com. McDonough responded they went out to bid several months ago to remove tanks throughout the entire county and the bid came in extremely high and they were looking at that issue again.  He explained that their major concern was securing the buildings at the hospital site and the maintenance department.  Com. McDonough stated that Tim McGillicuddy, head of County maintenance, works out of the High St. site as well as officials of BCI and they will continue to provide a presence on the site and post the site for trespassing.  They will also coordinate with the Hanson Police Chief for increased security.  Mr. Flynn asked  the Commissioners keep the lines of communication since the Town was interested in participating in and perhaps purchasing the property and welcomed contact with the Advisory Committee.  Mr. McDonough stated that before the property is sold privately, it would have to be offered to the State and then to the Town.  Both Jones and Murdoch stressed the possibility of negotiations with the Town.  Commissioners felt that they were still several months away from discussing a potential sale.  The Board asked the Executive Secretary to check with Chief King concerning guidelines for patrol at the hospital site.  

At 8:00 Board convened public hearing concerning the increase in gasoline storage to 30,000 gallons of gasoline in underground tank and 250 gallons of waste oil in above-ground tanks at Gibbs Oil dba Charter Marketing, Main St.  Abutters attending were:  Mr. and Mrs. Roland Morse, 22 Indian Head St., Mr. and Mrs. Paine, 304 Main St., Margaret T and Margaret E. Hanson, 352 Main Street, and the press.  Presentation made by John Flynn with AYOUB Engineering Inc. on behalf of Gibbs.  Mr. Flynn stated that this proposal was to keep up with industry standards and to minimize the amount of delivery vehicles needed based on existing sales for gasoline as well as anticipated sales. He outlined the new alignment for pump stations as well as the increased size of a new facility.  Ms. Kuchinski asked the status of the proposal vs. site plan review and why the tanks needed to be changed.  Mr. Flynn stated that it was now current business practice to maintain the volumes of gas storage as indicated in the request.  Charles Flynn stated that with this request, would they be requesting the increased tanks with storage capacity, even if site plan was not approved.  Mr. Flynn stated that although he could not speak for the company, that he would expect the increase in volume would be needed anyway.  Ms. Kuchinski asked why additional tanks and what types of standards for installation and design would be followed.  Mr. Flynn stated that they would certainly plan to meet all standards set up according to the State and monitored by the Fire Chief.  The tanks would be the latest design, fiberglass in nature, with vapor recovery systems, proper venting and so forth.  And again the additional tanks would allow for increased storage based on industry standards.  Charter (Gibbs Oil) also represented by Atty. Simms who pledged to work with abuttors.

The Chair opened the hearing to the public for comments.  Roland Morse stated that he was in favor of increasing the tank size and moving the tanks to the proposed location area since it would alleviate the existing venting problem which currently affects him and his wife.  (It was stated that delivery schedule to remain the same.  Number of deliveries to lessen.)  He is not in favor of an addition of a new building.  Mr. Flynn reminded him that those concerns would be addressed through the site plan process.  Margaret Hanson of Jays Carpets asked if the road would be affected with the work.  Mr. Flynn responded that the station would be closed and that there would be no effect with the roadway.   Roland Morse asked what the time frame would be.  Mr. Flynn stated that they hoped to begin work in October.  Ms. Kuchinski noted that the Board of Selectmen would be approving the plans just to change the storage and asked that the minutes of the meeting be forwarded to the Board of Appeals.  

Motion by Webster, 2nd by Murdoch to grant the increase in storage to Gibbs Oil Limited Partnership, 90 Everett Avenue, Chelsea for “Charter Gasoline” at 381 Main Street..  Voted 5-0.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Kuchinski to close the hearing at 8:40 PM.   Voted 5-0.

Board proceeded with reorganization.  Motion by Murdoch, to nominate Cathy Kuchinski to Clerk position. 2nd by Charles Flynn.  Motion by Murdoch, 2nd by Flynn to close nominations.  Voted 5-0.  Voted 5-0 to elect Kuchinski Clerk of the Board.

Board voted to accept the resignation of John C. Griffith from the Recreation Commission.   Kuchinski moved, 2nd Murdoch, 5-0 vote.  

Motion by Murdoch to appoint Mary Lewek to Arts Lottery Council to expire 6/30/2000, 2nd Flynn, 5-0 vote.

Motion by Kuchinski to appoint Wes Blaus to the Recreation Commission to expire 6/30/2001.  2nd Webster.  5-0 vote.

Motion by Kuchinski to appoint Linda Gillette to Selectmen’s County Hospital Land Advisory Committee.  2nd by Webster.  5-0 vote.

Motion by Charles Flynn to renew the Hawkers and Peddlers license for Charles and Carol Sweet, 2nd Kuchinski, 5-0 vote.

Exec. Secretary report:  Nugent requested Board sign contract for peer to peer grant through EOCD which would allow the Town funds to develop personnel guidelines.  He explained the process and noted there would be a mid June time frame.  Motion by Kuchinski, 2nd Flynn, 5-0 vote,.

Mr. Nugent also indicated that the Town Hall Building Committee had awarded the bid in the amount of $1,583,000 to AP Whittier and there would shortly be a scheduling meeting and contracts would be signed.  There was a concern echoed by Ms. Kuchinski concerning the illumination of the flag pole.  Nugent stated it would be addressed in the new construction.  

Mr. Nugent indicated that the Plymouth County Hospital Land Advisory Committee was looking for some direction as outlined in their request to the Board.  The Board agreed to hold the Committee’s number 1 request, to allow investigation on their #3 request, however, not allow tours of the land to State agencies.  #’s 2, 4, 5 and 6 were agreed to by the Board with the stipulation that requests come through the Board of Selectmen’s office for the particulars.  As indicated earlier in the evening Commissioner J. McDonough stated that he had no problem with the Town being involved while the County does its investigative work on the site.  whenever the Town has been notified by the Commissioners of any type of investigation work or studies to be conducted.
Ms. Kuchinski requested the Board alternate Selectmen attending Plymouth County Land Advisory Committee meetings, that way Board members would each have some insight concerning progress made by the Committee.  Other members agreed that they would attempt to make themselves available for those meetings.

Mr. Nugent gave information on the Peer to Peer Grant received to look at personnel file issues - mid-July time frame.
Action requests:  Mrs. Murdoch indicated that Tom Dahlberg had called her and requested to be placed on the agenda for June 2 to discuss the issue of pricing concerning the Water bills.  

Ms. Kuchinski spoke about the date for the Town land auction and we should look at some of the sites for potential Habitat sites.  She mentioned the announcement of the Bone Marrow testing for June 7th and asked if we could again repeat that at the June 2nd meeting.  The press indicated that they were aware and had done stories on it.  She requested that the auditors be requested to attend the June 2 meeting.  

Charles Flynn reported on the PreK through 8 Building Committee meeting held on Monday, the 18th.  He announced the Committee’s pleasure with the vote for the increased funds for the Indian Head School.  That the middle school was 60% complete, on time, and within budget and they would be going out to bid in the fall on the Indian Head school renovations.  

Peter Jones made mention of the Memorial Day Parade.  All Board members indicated they were planning on attending.  

Jones asked for motion to sign Chapter 90 funds.  Motion by Murdoch to sign Chapter 90 funding.  2nd Flynn.  5-0 vote.

Motion by Murdoch to enter Executive session under #3 negotiation, Highway Dept.; #4 to discuss deployment of Security Personnel; and #6 negotiations of real property.  2nd by Webster.  Roll Call vote,  Jones, aye; Murdoch, aye; Flynn, aye; Kuchinski, aye; Webster, aye.

Reentered open session noting vote taken on Highway contract will be announced at the next meeting.

Motion by Flynn, 2nd Webster to adjourn.  5-0 10:20 PM